Announcing Bloom Business Basics Bootcamp

business basics bootcamp May 14, 2020

Chances are, you’ve had at least *some* extra time in these past few weeks to think about what having a handmade business means. Tell me if any of these describe you:

✋I craft for fun, and people have told me I should sell!

✋I have sold some of my crafts, but I wouldn’t really call it a *business*

✋I have been dabbling: I have a place online to sell (Facebook/Etsy/some other place) but I really don’t know how to make it a real deal business

✋I have had a handmade business for some time now, BUT the bulk of my sales are from craft shows. Selling online is a whole new world!

✋I’ve got it all nailed down: I sell at shows, I’ve got a solid web presence, and now I’m just looking for ways to bump up traffic and sales

Here’s the really interesting thing: no matter how “new” or “old” you are at this...IT IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT DEAL NOW! We are playing a new game in a new world, my friend. Nothing will ever be the same after this, which is not necessarily a BAD thing.

You have probably been hearing the word “pivot” being tossed around like it’s the password to a secret society. I have yet to find a better word for it, so I’m just going to stick with it. This is the time to pivot. 

Now, if you’re in camp “just starting out” or “dabbling”, you are actually in a really great position. You have the opportunity to start a business from the comfort of your home during a time when e-v-e-r-y-b-o-d-y is shopping online. You can take the time to really set your business up properly, from the ground up, while not having to worry about the whole “weekend hustle” craft show piece of the puzzle.

If you are a seasoned show veteran (I fall into this camp), then you are painfully aware of the fact that shows have all but changed their names to Cancelled. Did you come into 2020 thinking “yes, THIS is my year. THIS year just feels good.”? 

Yeah me too.

Within the “seasoned veteran” group, there are some business owners who are desperately clinging to the hope that shows might come back this year, and there are some who are pivoting (see, there’s that word again!) and taking the reins to keep their business alive. You may have an old Artfire website that you haven’t visited in years, or you may be taking the first furtive steps into figuring out how to get your stuff online SOMEWHERE so that you can make some sales. It’s hard to break out of those old habits and move into something new!

Over the past several weeks, the Bloom community has grown by leaps and bounds. I am so thrilled and honored to have so many creative minds in my world, and I have been working hard to figure out a way that I can offer you the maximum amount of support so that everyone, regardless of their current standing in their business journey, can get a solid foundation and really build up your confidence in starting, growing, maintaining, and/or pivoting your handmade business. 

What I have come up with is the Bloom Business Basics Bootcamp! In this free learning series, we are going to take our handmade businesses allllll the way back to the beginning and work from the ground up.

If you are just thinking about starting a business or have been dabbling without a lot of direction, THIS IS YOUR JAM. You will be walking along a path that has been smoothed by years of experience, trial and error, failures and feats.

If you are looking to “up your game” and boost sales in your current business, this is going to be your ticket to check and double check all of the foundational details that make the difference between a hobby and a business. 

If you have been around the block a time or two and you think you’re past basics, I challenge you to hop in and use this as a chance to check and double check what you have set up. The only constant in his world is CHANGE, so there’s a good chance there’s some new info out there that will help you make changes that keep your business running like a well-oiled machine.

What to expect in Bloom Business Basics Bootcamp:

🤯weekly blog posts, delivered straight to you in your email inbox (so make sure you have added [email protected] to your list of safe senders so that you are sure to get access) on bootcamp topics

🤯twice monthly Facebook live Q&A sessions in the Bloom: Grow Your Handmade Business facebook group 

🤯access to monthly free trainings on Business Basics topics

Ok, this all sounds good...but what are these Business Basics topics?

I have been paying CLOSE attention to what I hear my fellow crafty people asking about, and I have compiled a list of topics that I see crop up over and over. Some of the topics (this list will be ever-growing) will include:

✓ How to know if your product will sell/quality control

✓ How to price your products for profit

✓ How to source your materials

✓ Managing your time to be productive but not overworked

✓ Managing your mindset (YES you sure can have a successful handmade business!)

✓ Basics of Facebook for business

✓ Basics of Pinterest for business

✓ Basics of Instagram for business

✓ Email list building basics

✓ How to use your email list to grow your business

✓ How to start selling online

✓ How to evaluate craft shows (not all shows are created equal!)


YES! I love this...what do I need to do to get access?

Step #1: READ! This information is going to be delivered straight to your inbox, every week, on Wednesday. All you have to do is click through, read the posts, and start doing the work in your business!

Step #2: Join the free Facebook group: this is where the live Q&A sessions will take place and where the video trainings will happen. 

We are officially taking charge of 2020 and bringing back that feeling of “THIS is my year!”.  

Get ready my friend, Bloom Business Basics Bootcamp will be landing in your inbox starting May 27!

Subscribe to get tips and tricks to level up your skills.