Business Mindset 101 for Craft Business Owners

mindset Mar 10, 2024
Business Mindset 101 for Craft Business Owners

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Marketing. Pricing. Website. Packaging. These are the business tasks that fill a craft business owner’s days. But what about your business mindset? Is it on your list as well? 


The truth is, most business owners fail to see just how important their mindset is to the success of their business. 


Think about it: how can your business grow and succeed if YOU don’t believe in it? Why would a stranger fork over their hard-earned money to you if you don’t believe your creations are worth it? 


And yet, many of the craft business owners I meet and work with are filled with negative thoughts about their businesses. I hear:


  • My creations aren’t good enough to compete.
  • I don’t know how to sell.
  • I don’t want to ask too much for my pieces.
  • No one wants what I make.



Time to change the record! Let’s look at some ways to create a positive business mindset and then infuse your daily activities with active work that keeps those good feelings flowing.


Affirmations to Create a Positive Business Mindset


If you don’t believe in yourself and in your creations, no one else will! Change your thought process by coming up with phrases that instill positive thoughts.


A good way to start this process is to write down the negative thoughts you have right now. For example, maybe you say to yourself:


No one will buy what I make.

I can’t compete with other makers.

I’ll never make enough sales to build a successful business.


Now, change those sentences by creating the opposite thought. For these examples, that might be:


My Perfect Customer cannot wait to purchase my creations.

I make unique items that stand out from the crowd.

I get enough sales to build my business every day.


Once you have a list of 5 to 10 affirmations, write them down every day. Yes - every day! When you start your day, sit down with a notebook and take the time to write down your affirmations. Say them out loud, too! 



The repetition will help to change those negative thoughts - once you truly believe, then write new affirmations and work on those until they become part of your overall mindset.

Build Confidence in Your Work


When you have a list of things to do, which tasks do you tackle first? It might be beneficial to work on the hardest things first!


Getting the hard tasks done gives you a sense of accomplishment and can build your confidence. 


Plus, many people avoid the hard things, so by doing them you will put yourself at the “top of the pack”. 


For example: maybe a hard thing for you is to share your process on Instagram with your followers. Maybe you’re nervous about being in front of the camera. But because you’re trying to do the hardest things first, you go for it - you get on there, show your followers your latest work in progress, and hit post.


It might not be perfect, but you did it! And each time you do it, you will get better and better. Plus, many of your “competitors” are NOT taking the time to do videos like yours, so you will stand out from the crowd.

Learn and Move On


You are going to make mistakes in your business. It’s inevitable! Sometimes as artists and creators, we put waaayy too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect. But we’re not, and our creations won’t be either.


Sometimes we get customers who don’t understand that handmade things are not perfect, and that can make us feel like we don’t deserve to be selling our work. Rather than believe them, educate them! And if they still don't understand, accept their position as their own, and move on...don't internalize their beliefs because you and I know that handmade items are not meant to be perfect.


Please don’t hold on to your failures! See them as the learning opportunities that they are, and then let them go. Holding on to our mistakes does not help in any way. 


The fact is, each “failure” teaches us a lesson and helps us become more successful. As long as we don’t hold on to them, we can learn and grow - and that is what helps your business bloom!


Make Your Business Mindset Part of Your Daily Work



Just like checking email, taking new product photos and packaging orders, your business mindset should be a part of your daily routine.


Set aside time every day to work on your affirmations. Maybe carve out a half hour in the morning, before you open your email, to write down your thoughts and plan out your day. 


And when you’re having doubts, or feeling like you’re not enough - stop what you’re doing and work through these thoughts. Don’t ignore them! Instead, give yourself permission to feel what you’re feeling, but then change the narrative. 


Because you ARE enough and you DO deserve to create a business that supports you and allows you to use your creativity. Believe in yourself and watch your business grow!




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