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For makers who want to finally sell their work *successfully* online…
START Creating An Online Store You’re Proud Of, Bringing In Your Ideal Customers & Maintain Momentum In Your Marketing…
… Without wondering where to begin, feeling overwhelmed by technology, struggling with your marketing strategy OR getting intimidated by everyone else selling online.
(Because there’s space for EVERYONE to thrive and there are *always* customers who want what you’ve got.)
If you’re a handmade business owner trying to sell your work today…
… You’ve probably noticed that since COVID struck, how makers sell has shifted — permanently.
Sure, your might be seeing less emails with subject lines like “event postponed”, “market canceled”, “new restrictions for the fair” rolling through your inbox.
But what you might have ALSO noticed is that there are far more people out there who want to buy your work that aren’t solely hanging out at in-person fairs.

The makers who THRIVED when the pandemic hit — and who will continue to do well — are the ones who had a solid online presence.
They had a website, beautiful branding, an engaged social media presence and an email list — which meant that they DIDN’T have to worry about…
- Depending on in-person events to sell their work (bye-bye, weekend hustle!)
- Finding an alternative income source (because their online store was already doing the work for them — and sending out a couple of emails when they needed extra money did the trick)
- Connecting with new audiences (in fact, new customers were finding THEM organically online!)
… And that means that even though in-person events are coming back, they have the ability to be more selective and only pick the shows that THEY want to exhibit their stuff.
No more worrying about constantly packing, unpacking and prepping for a potential rainy day.
Here’s the good news: YOU can have this, too.
And wherever you are right now — whether it’s with a simple Etsy site or a Facebook page — is the PERFECT place to get started if you know you want to join these makers in creating more freedom, flexibility and income by selling online.
It’s never too early or too late to start — because the pandemic proved that there are hundreds of people waiting to discover *and* support new makers like you.
(I mean — look at all the handmade masks that were sold in 2020!)
But if you’re going to keep your business running and growing, you simply must have a strategy for marketing and selling online.
Even more good news: I can help you do that.
As an experienced 6-figure handmade jewelry maker who has *also* spent years mastering marketing and communication at a high level — I’ve learned just how important and valuable it is to not only have a stellar website for your goods, but to ALSO ensure your marketing strategy is personalized, intimate and sustainable in order to turn your hobby into a business.
I’ve poured all my years of experience and knowledge into a simple, overwhelm-free program that has helped hundreds of makers get online and find their audience successfully…
… And I want YOU to be next!

"I went from knowing practically nothing about how to market my small business online to having an engaged audience of 2500+ on Instagram and 1200+ on Facebook within a few short months. She provided me with the knowledge and confidence that I needed to open my own Etsy shop, something that was scary and intimidating to me. "
-Connie, Flourish Your Space Thriving

"Hi! I started to run preliminary #'s today for taxes and I want to thank you for your courses and your online help... and the SUPPORT! My growth this year, in a pandemic even, is insane and I dont think I'd have gotten there with out the encouragement to keep going, keep up online, and kick ass."
-Karyn, Inclined Designs
Get Online, Grow Online
is the only course that is custom-created for handmade business owners with a proven framework for how to build, grow, and sell online.
Who’s the maker behind the program?
Hi! I’m Lucy. Chardonnay and vintage finds lover, founder of the handmade jewelry brand bel monili *and* your new guide to making your business WORK online.
11 years ago, I took a few crafting classes with the hopes that I'd keep my hands busy and snackless (oh, the wistful, rational thinking of a 20-something).
It didn't work. I still snack (I've never met a block of cheddar cheese and a pack of crackers I didn’t like!)...
… But now I do it as the owner of a 6-figure handmade jewelry business — bel monili — that travels around the country (in non-pandemic times) and has been featured in national publications such as Country Living Magazine.

Just like you though, I started my business the way most makers do:
Small, single-table craft shows at local churches and schools with the occasional sale to family and friends on the side.
(Fortunately for me, Pittsburgh, PA is an extremely artist-friendly city, and there were no shortage of opportunities for me to show and sell my work!)
Over time, I realized that I could be getting my work into more hands, and quickly.
After years of trial and error, I ended up opening a successful online shop alongside jurying into higher quality shows, cultivating a social media following, and nurturing lasting relationships with my audience.
And when bel monili hit the 6 figure sales mark for the first time in 2017, I took the leap to move my primary online sales over to my own website and my business has skyrocketed ever since.
But I had an advantage: with a degree in marketing *and* speech-language pathology, I’ve always had a knack for recognizing how people want to be communicated with.
That’s why I’ve been able to create a successful handmade business; by knowing what my audience wants and identifying WHEN to give it to them — from an engaging website to delivering the content they really want in their emails and posting what’s relevant to them on social media.
I can show you how to build a strong online presence and listen to your audience, too.
Today, I have a thriving brand with excited customers who wait expectantly with their cursor on the 'buy' button, waiting for me to launch my next one of a kind collection…
… And I want to help you find that kind of success in YOUR handmade business.
When you join Get Online, Grow Online, you’ll get instant access to ALL the tools I’ve used (and hundreds of other makers have implements now) to build a thriving online business — one that can pick and choose what fairs they show up at — that can help you bring in more sales, traffic and engagement on social media.
The only thing standing between you, a beautiful website and a growing audience is INFORMATION and a proven STRATEGY.
→ That’s what I’ll give you inside this program!
Is this for me?
This program is *not* for you if…
- You don’t have a proven product that sells on its own right now
- You feel uncomfortable with using the Internet
- You’re only looking to make a quick buck (and you’re not in this for the long haul)
- You are unwilling to sit down and do the work consistently (because once your website is up and running and you start growing your audience — you have to keep going!)
But it is *perfect* for you if…
- You currently have an Etsy shop or have dabbled in creating a free website (but maintaining it hasn’t been your strong suit)
- You’ve sold your work at shows and have products that have done well in the past
- You are familiar with using the Internet
- You want to bring in extra income with an online store
- You feel ready to level up your business and take it seriously
- You want to start increasing your prices, working with better materials and do fewer weekend shows
Are you nodding your head and thinking, “That’s ME, Lucy!” ...?

"I can’t recommend the program enough. Lucy and her program are pinpoint focused on what you need to do to get started and maintain your business. The course material is delivered in easy to absorb modules and she supplements with live support with recordings and a support group. The course materials and her coaching calls have really helped me grow my part-time business model and keep my sanity and focus."
-Natalie- Heirlooms Made Modern

"Lucy has been a mentor, cheerleader, motivator and problem solver, and I can attribute the success and growth Wren & Rita has had this year directly to her guidance and knowledge. Lucy has created an unbelievable tool in the Get Online, Grow Online program. She guides you from the beginning stages of setting up shop to the importance of branding, engagement and how to efficiently use social media. I have introduced my products to a wider audience and am cultivating lasting customer relationships, ensuring repeat business. I've always known I had a good product - now others do as well!"
-Ana, Wren & Rita

"Joining Bloom was one of the best business decisions I have made to date. The trainings are specific and concise but not so long that I would lose interest. She truly cares about her students and their success and checks in often. I highly recommend her course for anyone ready to take their business to the next level."
-Mindy, EmiNi Creations
P.S. Get Online, Grow Online is the only program of its kind that…
- SHARES A PROVEN APPROACH to getting online and staying consistent in your marketing *specifically* for makers!
- SHOWS YOU HOW TO BRAND YOURSELF AS A MAKER so that the experience you deliver at in-person events in your booth mirrors your customers’ digital experience on your website. (Can you tell I’m pretty big on consistency?)
- GIVES YOU THE CONFIDENCE, CLARITY AND STRATEGY you need to treat your gift like a business, not a hobby! Even if you’ve got a full time job or a Facebook business page, reaching your business goals isn’t possible with a hobbyist mindset. This program shows you how to manage your time and reframe your approach so that you can play the long game.

Wondering what’s REALLY possible for you if you implement everything you learn inside Get Online, Grow Online?
Past members have started to…
- OWN THEIR FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE: Because when you learn how to bring in more sales online AND price your product properly (so that you’re actually making a profit), the sky's the limit.
- SAY YES TO SHOWS THEY LOVE (AND NO TO ONES THEY DON’T): When your business isn’t entirely dependent on showing up in person, you can start being more selective with the markets and fairs you choose to sell your work at… And can spend more of your weekends waking up to sales online instead of unpacking your tent in the rain.
- ENJOY MORE TIME AND FLEXIBILITY: What would be possible if you had more control over your schedule? And if you could get your products into more hands, all over the country (or the world) — that will continue to spread the love and share you with others? You can 100% start getting more time back and create more demand… Without even leaving the house.
If you’re tired of trying to figure out how to sell your products successfully online *and* maintain momentum — THIS is a sign that you don’t have to go it alone anymore.